
Determinism vs Free Will

    DETERMINISM vs FREE WILL:- "These Math problems! They are such a pain. Dad, How did you manage math in school? Grandma told you always topped in Math." "Yeah, that is true, Anumitha. I excelled because I decided to study hard." "You topped just because you decided to study hard. You had a great school and good teachers." "But everyone who studied in the same school did not top in math." "But not everyone who could top in math could afford your school." "Okay, enough with modesty. I topped in math because I was intelligent and had good analytical abilities." "But is it you who is intelligent? My science teacher told me one's intelligence is due to their brain's structure and genetic factors." "Let us not waste time on trivial conversation. Focus on your sums, Anumitha." But deep within, I realized that the questions raised by Anumitha are not trivial. My decision to study hard, was it me who was